In recent years, the populations of many fish species worldwide have been declining alarmingly. This raises the question, “Are all fish endangered?” “How many fish species are endangered?” and “Wait—what fish are endangered?”
This has led to concerns that some fish may be endangered or soon extinct. This is a huge deal because, without fish, it is a real possibility that ALL life on Earth faces a real extinction risk.
So many food chains rely on fish.
What causes this decline, and what can be done to prevent it? This blog post will explore these questions and more.
Are some fish species endangered?

Are some fish species endangered? According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which keeps a “Red List” of threatened species.
The IUCN estimates that one-fifth of all known marine fish species are threatened with extinction, including many commercially important fish such as tuna, swordfish, and shark.
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What are the Causes of the Declining Fish Populations?
Several things are causing fish populations to decline:

One of the biggest problems is overfishing. When fish are caught faster than they can reproduce, the population declines. This is a significant problem because it means there are fewer fish for everyone (and everything else that eats fish). It also makes it more difficult for fish populations to recover from other threats.
It’s happened all over the world due to various factors, such as new technologies that make it easier to catch fish or an increase in the demand for seafood due to larger human populations.
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Habitat Loss

Habitat loss is a significant problem for fish populations around the world. As humans continue encroaching on natural habitats, we take away the places where fish live and breed. It can lead to a decline in population and an increase in the risk of extinction for some species, including marine animals.
Habitat loss is often caused by pollution, development, and the introduction of invasive species.
In order to help protect fish populations, it is essential to limit our impact on natural habitats and take steps to restore damaged ecosystems. By working together, we can help ensure that fish have the habitats they need to thrive.
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Pollution is a major problem for the world’s oceans. Every year, billions of pounds of trash are dumped into the sea, polluting the water and harming marine life. Pollution can harm fish in several ways. First, it can contaminate their food supply.
Second, it can make the water more acidic, making it harder for fish to breathe. Third, it can kill fish eggs and young fish. As a result of all these factors, pollution can lead to a decline in fish populations.
In addition, pollution poses a serious threat to the ocean’s health. By polluting the water, we are jeopardizing the ocean’s ability to support life. The really bad news is that with a poisoned ocean that can’t support marine life, ALL life on Earth is endangered!
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Climate Change

Climate change is another major threat to fish populations. As the water gets warmer, it can harm fish and their eggs.
It can lead to a decline in population and an increase in the risk of extinction for some species. Climate change has already begun to impact fish populations worldwide, and the problem will likely worsen in the coming years.
It also results in species vacating their habitats for colder waters. This is a problem because they are at risk of adapting to a new environment that might not be able to support them. It also potentially exposes them to new predators, or they may become a predator of native species!
To protect fish populations, we must reduce our use of fossil fuels and emissions of greenhouse gases. These directly contribute to rising ocean temperatures.
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Food Scarcity

Food scarcity is another one of the reasons certain fish are pushed to extinction. The lack of food causes fish to starve, leading to their extinction. When there is a decrease in food availability, fish populations are forced to compete for resources.
It can lead to physical stress, reduced body size, and, ultimately, death. Food scarcity can be caused by several factors, including overfishing, climate change, and pollution.
What can be done to Help?
As our demand for seafood increases, fish populations struggle to keep up. In addition, as the oceans warm and become more acidic, many fish species struggle to survive.
Humans are the main reason why so many fish are endangered. The things people do every day are polluting the water and causing climate change, making it harder for fish to survive. Here are some things you can do to help:
- Reduce your carbon footprint to help prevent climate change.
- Do not pollute waterways!
- Support sustainable fishing practices.
- Educate others about the importance of conserving fish populations.
- Eat less fish. Yummy and healthy as they are.
By doing our part, we can help make a difference in the fight to save fish populations. Together, we can ensure these creatures will be around for future generations to enjoy.
The fish probably prefer it, too!
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Endangered Species Act
The Endangered Species Act is one of the most powerful tools in the United States for conserving fish and other wildlife. It was enacted in 1973 in response to the growing number of native species becoming endangered or threatened with extinction.
The ESA provides for the conservation of these species by creating recovery plans and the designation of critical habitat areas. The ESA also prohibits the taking of Endangered and Threatened species.
The Endangered Species Act has successfully prevented the extinction of many species, including the American bald eagle, the Florida panther, and the California condor.
The Endangered Species Act has also helped recover many species, such as the brown pelican and the peregrine falcon. The Act is an essential tool for conserving our nation’s wildlife heritage, which includes fish.
Here’s how the ESA works to save endangered species:
- ESA listing and designation of critical habitat for species.
- Planning and implementing the reintroduction of listed species.
- Establish conservation partnerships with and award funding to the states.
- Minimize the impact of any federal action that may affect a listed species.
- Working with other countries to guarantee that international trade does not pose an environmental concern.
- Detecting and preventing ESA violations.
- Developing long-term conservation programs with non-federal partners.
What are the consequences of losing Fish Populations?
In ecology, it is widely accepted that the environment’s health is interconnected with the health of the species that live within it.
Losing fish populations can have a ripple effect on the entire global ecosystem. For example, fewer fish in the water could mean less food for predators like whales, seals, sea lions, and penguins.
This means that we are losing vital sources of food, as well as important parts of the ecosystem.
It could also lead to a decline in their populations. Additionally, fewer fish could increase algae growth due to a decrease in fish grazing. Too many algae can create problems for the health of coral reefs and other marine life.
Losing fish can have serious consequences for human populations. For one thing, fish is a major source of healthy protein for many people around the world and an important part of the global food chain.
If all fish species become extinct, the rest of Earth’s species will likely follow suit.
How can we protect our fish populations?
One of the best things people can do to help protect fish populations is to become more educated about the issues these creatures face. You can learn about the significant threats to fish and how to reduce your impact here.
You can also support legislation protecting fish and work with local organizations to promote sustainable fishing practices.
Endangered Fishes List
There are many fish species threatened by man and the changing environment. Here are 22 species that are at risk.
1. Beluga Sturgeon

The Beluga Sturgeon (Huso huso) is a large fish native to the Caspian and Black Seas. Due to overfishing, it is considered endangered. Beluga Sturgeon have been hunted for their caviar, a luxury food item. The Beluga Sturgeon population has declined in the wild due to overfishing.
Beluga Sturgeon are slow-growing and long-lived, making them particularly vulnerable to overfishing. They can live up to 100 years old and not start reproducing until they’re 7 to 10 years old. It means they can’t replace themselves as quickly as other fish species.
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2. Southern Bluefin Tuna

Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) is a species of fish found in the waters off the coast of Australia and Indonesia. It is highly prized by commercial and sports fishers. Due to its decreasing population, it is part of the endangered fish species list.
These tuna are known for their large size, with some reaching weights over 800 pounds. The Southern Bluefin Tuna is an apex predator, which means it has no natural predators in its environment.
(Save the ever invasive human!)
Combined with its reputation as a great-tasting fish, the Southern Bluefin Tuna is a popular commercial and recreational fishing target. Southern Bluefin Tuna are a migratory species that travel long distances searching for food.
It can often put them into contact with other fish stocks, transferring diseases and parasites.
Southern Bluefin Tuna are also prone to becoming entangled in fishing nets, which often results in death. As southern bluefin tuna populations have declined in recent years, there has been an increased focus on managing and conserving this critical species.
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3. Winter Skate

The winter skate (Leucoraja ocellata) is a fascinating animal that has deterred predators with a sharp, pulsating electric shock. It is also fantastically slow in achieving sexual maturity.
Most of them are present in the northwest of the Atlantic Ocean.
Winter skates were once thought of as “trash fish.” Today, they are harvested and transformed into fish meal ad hoc and even commercially sold. An increase in the catching of species results in accidental capture of juveniles, which experts often interpret as more extensive and abundant species.
It has resulted in a massive population loss for winter skates despite a small population of descendants.
The winter skate is an essential member of the ocean ecosystem, and its decline could have severe consequences for the food chain.
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4. Orange Roughy

The Orange Roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus), the deep-sea perch, is a fish in cold waters worldwide. The Orange Roughy can live for more than 200 years, making it one of the longest-lived fish in the world.
Prized for their meat, the fish do not start reproducing until they are about 30. Scientists say the impacts of historical overfishing on the orange roughy have not yet been fully felt.
The Orange roughy was severely overfished in the late 20th Century, and global numbers were drastically depleted by the early 2000s. Today, however, numbers are on the rise again as many Orange roughies are raised for food in fisheries in Australia and New Zealand.
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5. Red Handfish
The Red Handfish (Brachionichthys politus) is a marine fish found only in Tasmania, Australia. This unique fish has hand-like pectoral fins and lives in shallow water near the coast, where it uses its fins to “walk” along the seafloor for food.
Red Handfish are critically endangered, with less than 3,000 individuals remaining in the wild.
The primary threat to the Red Handfish is habitat loss due to pollution and climate change. As they are slow-moving and cannot swim fast, they are also at risk of being caught by predators.
Scientists are working to protect the remaining population of Red Handfish by increasing awareness of their plight and working to restore their habitat.
6. European Eel

European eels (Anguilla anguilla) are a species of freshwater fish members of the eel family. They are found in rivers and streams throughout Europe and are a popular food fish. European eels are also used in traditional medicine.
European eels are threatened by overfishing, pollution, habitat loss, and disease. As a result of these threats, European eels are classified as endangered by the IUCN Red List.
European eels are important to the ecosystem because they help control other animal populations and are also a source of food for humans and other animals.
These eels have been declining in population for many years, and it is important to take action to protect them.
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7. Chinese Sturgeon
The Chinese Sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) is a large species of fish found in China’s rivers and lakes. It can grow up to 6 feet in length and has a long body with gray or brown scales.
It is one of the most endangered fish in the world, with an estimated 2,000 individuals remaining in the wild. The Chinese Sturgeon is critically endangered due to habitat loss, pollution, and overfishing.
The Chinese Sturgeon is an important species in Chinese culture and has been used for food and medicine for centuries.
Conservation efforts are urgently needed to save this species from extinction. The Chinese government is working to protect this endangered species through conservation efforts such as breeding programs and habitat protection. With proper management and protection, the Chinese Sturgeon can survive.
8. Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
Probably the biggest endangered fish globally, Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) covers a significant part of the Northern Atlantic. According to the ESA, it is part of the endangered saltwater fish list and endangered fish species list.
This is one of the fastest fish in the ocean, swimming at over 40 mph. They can grow to 14 ft (4.3 m) and weigh over 1,800 lbs (800 kg). It is known for being a fighting species, and these species became very popular with recreational fishers.
Despite the high cost, bluefin tuna is extremely valuable to commercial fishers, averaging $100,000 per fish. However, the fast-growing species is extremely overexplored, and most experts believe that it could become extinct if it is not managed immediately.
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9. Patagonian Toothfish

Another endangered type of fish is the Patagonian Toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides). It is found in the southernmost parts of the world, including Antarctica. These fish are important for the ecosystem because they help keep other fish populations in check.
However, they are threatened by overfishing and climate change. Patagonian toothfish have been overfished for years, and their populations have declined. In addition, climate change negatively affects them.
As the oceans warm, Patagonian toothfish are forced to move into deeper and colder waters, searching for food and suitable habitat.
These changes make it difficult for Patagonian toothfish to thrive, and their populations are expected to decline even further. Patagonian toothfish are an important part of the ecosystem, and we must take steps to protect them.
10. Atlantic Cod

Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua) isn’t an endangered fish but is considered vulnerable to extinction. There are many reasons for this, but the main one is overfishing. People are catching too many cod, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult for them to survive.
Atlantic Cod has been overfished for years, and its population has declined sharply. In order to prevent further decline, we all must take action to reduce our consumption of Atlantic Cod.
One way to do this is to choose other types of fish when ordering seafood at your local fish’ n’ chip shop. By making this small change, we can help Atlantic Cod populations recover and ensure that these magnificent creatures will be around for generations to come.
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11. Devil Fish

The Devil Fish (Mobula mobular) is a species in danger of extinction. Devil Fish are found in the coastal waters of Australia and New Zealand and are distinctive for their long, ribbon-like fins. Devil Fish grow to an average length of three feet and can live up to twenty years.
Devil Fish populations have declined sharply due to pollution, overfishing, and habitat loss. As a result, its fish conservation status is endangered on the IUCN Red List. Many ways to help protect Devil Fish include reducing your environmental impact and supporting conservation efforts.
12. Atlantic Halibut

Atlantic Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) is the largest flatfish in the New England and Mid-Atlantic regions. When fully operational, they can have a lifetime of over 30 years, 15 feet, and weigh up to 710 pounds (320 kilograms).
However, because this slow-growing fish does not mature sexually until ten to fifteen months of age, it increases the risk of excessive fishing. Fortunately, steps are being taken to help protect these fish.
For example, Atlantic Halibut is now classified as a protected species in many areas, and catch limits are in place to help ensure that the population is not overexploited. In addition, many Atlantic Halibut are now being raised in aquaculture facilities, which helps mitigate the pressure on wild populations.
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13. Nassau Grouper

Nassau Grouper (Epinephelus striatus) is a very valuable fish in the recreational and commercial fishing industry. However, it is heavily fished in its spawning aggregates, which has resulted in severe declines in many populations worldwide. Nassau Grouper aggregates have slowly disappeared due to overfishing.
The Nassau Grouper is an important fish in many ecosystems, and its population decline could have drastic environmental effects.
The Nassau Grouper is also an important food source for many different animals, and its decline could decrease food availability for these animals.
14 Japanese Eel

Japanese Eels (Anguilla japonica) are a critically endangered fish species and already a rare fish species. According to the IUCN Red List, they are “facing an extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.”
The main threats to their survival are overfishing pollution, and habitat loss. Japanese eels are found in rivers and lakes throughout Japan and East Asia. They spend most of their lives in freshwater habitats but migrate to the ocean to breed.
Japanese Eels are an important food source in Japan and are also used in traditional Chinese medicine. However, overfishing has severely depleted their numbers. Japanese Eels are also threatened by pollution and habitat loss, and they are now listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List.
In recent years, the number of young eels reaching maturity has declined, which is believed to be caused by pollutants such as plastic waste and chemicals that cause reproductive problems. Habitat loss is another major threat to Japanese eels.
The construction of dams and other development projects have fragmented their habitats and prevented them from migrating to breeding grounds. As a result of these threats, Japanese eels face an extremely high risk of extinction.
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15. Maltese Ray

Maltese Rays (Leucoraja melitensis) are another species of endangered fish. There are many reasons why this fish is endangered, but the main reason is overfishing. This fish is often caught for its meat, considered a delicacy in some cultures and dog food in others.
Because of this, Maltese Ray is being fished at an unsustainable rate, and their population is rapidly declining.
There are many ways to help protect Maltese Ray and other endangered fish species. One way is to support sustainable fishing practices. It means only buying caught fish using methods that don’t harm the environment or deplete fish populations. You can also help by reducing your consumption of fish or by choosing to eat (or for your dog to eat) only sustainably caught fish.
16. Goliath Grouper
The Goliath Grouper (Epinephelus itajara) is one of the largest fish in the sea. They can weigh up to 800 pounds and grow to eight feet long. These fish are a reddish-brown color with large, dark spots. They are found in the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico.
Goliath groupers are popular food fish, but they are also sought after by trophy fishers, which has decreased their numbers. In addition, they are sometimes caught as bycatch by commercial fishers.
Goliath groupers are now classified as “vulnerable” by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
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17. Boccaccio Rockfish

Boccaccio Rockfish (Sebastes paucispinis) is one of the most common rockfish in the Pacific Northwest. They are deepwater fish that can live up to 100 years. They are also tasty and popular with commercial and recreational fishermen.
Despite their abundance and popularity, there is a concern that Boccaccio Rockfish are becoming endangered. Their population has declined and is now considered a “species of concern” by the US Fish and Wildlife Service.
There are several reasons why Boccaccio Rockfish may be declining in numbers. They are very slow to mature and are thus particularly vulnerable to overfishing. They are also subject to several diseases, which may be exacerbated by changes in water temperature due to climate change.
If Boccaccio Rockfish continue to decline in numbers, it could severely impact the ecology of the Pacific Northwest. They are an essential part of the food chain, and their decline could decrease the populations of other fish and animals that rely on them for food.
18. Acadian Redfish
This fish is threatened by overfishing and climate change. To help protect it, it is essential to know how to identify it and understand its threats.
The Acadian Redfish (Sebastes fasciatus) is a reddish-brown fish with large scales. It can grow about 30 inches long and weigh up to 10 pounds. This fish is only found in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, which is off the coast of Canada.
The Acadian Redfish is a threatened marine species by overfishing and climate change. Overfishing occurs when people catch too many fish, which can happen when fishers are not using sustainable fishing practices.
Climate change threatens the Acadian Redfish by making the water in the Gulf of St. Lawrence warmer. Warmer water can make it harder for fish to survive.
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19. Ariake Dwarf Icefish

The Ariake Dwarf Icefish (Neosalanx reganius) is a critically endangered fish that can only be found in the Ariake Sea in Japan. These fish are small and have a deep blue coloration.
They are threatened by both commercial and recreational fishing and habitat loss. The Ariake Dwarf Icefish is an essential part of the local ecosystem, and its population decline has caused problems for the Ariake Sea.
In order to protect this species, it is essential to educate people about the Ariake Dwarf Icefish and the importance of preserving its habitat.
20. Pointed Sawfish

The Pointed sawfish (Pristis pectinata) is critically endangered on the IUCN Red List. This species is found in the Indo-Pacific region and has been severely impacted by overfishing.
The Pointed sawfish has a long, thin snout lined with sharp teeth, which it uses to slice through prey.
This species can grow to be over 20 feet long and is a significant part of the food chain in its ecosystem. Unfortunately, Pointed Sawfish are often caught as bycatch in fisheries and hunted for their fins, which are used in shark fin soup.
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21. Blackfin Gulper Shark

The Blackfin Gulper Shark (Centrophorus isodon) is one of the many endangered fish worldwide. These sharks are found in the eastern Pacific Ocean and are a predatory species. Their diet consists mainly of small fish and marine invertebrates.
Unfortunately, the Blackfin Gulper Shark population is threatened by many factors. One of the main threats is commercial fishing. These sharks are often caught as bycatch and targeted for their fins, which are used in the shark fin soup trade.
Blackfin Gulper Sharks are also very slow-growing and have a low reproductive rate, making them even more vulnerable to extinction.
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22. Robust Redhorse

The Robust redhorse (Moxostoma robustum) is a threatened fish species in North America. It is a member of the sucker family and can be identified by its long, slender body and red coloring. The Robust redhorse is listed as a species of special concern by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC). It is considered to be at risk of becoming endangered.
There are several reasons why the Robust redhorse is at risk of becoming endangered. One reason is that it has a very limited range and is only found in a few river systems in Canada. It means any changes to these river systems, such as pollution or dams are a major threat to the species’ survival.
are fish endangered
Fish are not a single species but a diverse group of aquatic animals, including thousands of different species. Many fish populations are endangered due to overfishing, habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change. Some of the most endangered fish species include the Atlantic bluefin tuna, the Chinese paddlefish, and the vaquita, a small porpoise found only in the Gulf of California.
What is the #1 most endangered fish?
The vaquita is a small porpoise found only in the Gulf of California. Fewer than 10 individuals are estimated to remain in the wild. The main threat to the vaquita is accidental entanglement in fishing nets, particularly those used in the illegal totoaba fish trade.
How many fish are endangered?
Fish endangered is a term used to describe species at risk of extinction. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), over 1,200 fish species are listed as endangered or critically endangered. This number constantly changes as new species are added to the list due to overfishing, habitat loss, and climate change.
Are fish an endangered species?
Fish are not a single species but a diverse group of aquatic animals belonging to different families and genera. Some fish populations are endangered due to overfishing, habitat loss, pollution, and climate change. However, not all fish species are endangered, and conservation efforts have helped to recover some populations.
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