Franklin tree flower, Fire Lilie, Kadupul flower, and Chocolate Cosmos are among the gorgeous rare flowers from around the globe. Species that only bloom under certain circumstances or are only seldom observed blooming in the environment are examples of rarest flowers. Some rare flowers in the world are on the verge of extinction.
The Middlemist Red is one of horticulture’s natural wonders and the rarest flowers in the world. This flower can only be found in New Zealand and London – with only one specimen per location. This camellia species is one of the most stunning and rare flowers. They are beautiful flowers in the world.
In fact, there are so many more exotic, unusual and rare flowers on the globe than the five just named. Rare blooming plants can be found in tropical jungles, growing on mountain slopes, or being safeguarded in botanical gardens.
You could even be lucky enough to be able to produce some of these gorgeous and exotic uncommon flowers in your house, garden, or yard.
If you want to view some of the world’s most uncommon and rare flowers, keep reading to learn more. The descriptions, photographs, and scientific names of the rarest flowers will aid in the identification of these one-of-a-kind species.
Rare Flowers (With their Common Names)
Here is a collection of (mostly) beautiful rare flowers. We’ve included their common names too, just in case your Latin is a bit rusty!
1. Chocolate Cosmos (Cosmos atrosanguineus)
The Chocolate Cosmos is one of the world’s rare flowers since it no longer grows in the wild. This unusual plant from the Family Asteraceae, native to Mexico, is challenging to cultivate and grow.

What distinguishes this lovely unusual, and rare flower?
Aside from the fact that there are just a few species of the wild left in the world, the chocolate cosmos flower has magnificent dark brown to red petals, much like chocolates.
But the chocolate association doesn’t stop there. When the blooms blossom in the late summer nights, they emit chocolaty fragrances.
Even though chocolate cosmos is a rare flower that no longer thrives in the wild, it is available for summer gardening. You may appreciate the dark brown unusual blossoms while filling your yard with the fragrance of sweet cocoa.
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2. Ghost Orchid (Dendrophylax lindenii)

The very uncommon ghost orchid blossom grows only in certain circumstances in Central America. To live, the rare orchid requires high temperatures and humidity. Furthermore, it exclusively thrives in cypress swamps where a particular form of fungus flourishes.
One of the distinguishing characteristics of this difficult-to-find flower is its absence of leaves. The epiphytic plant’s lengthy roots obtain nutrition from the plants it grows on. In contrast to other flowering orchids, photosynthesis occurs through the roots rather than the leaves.
The ghost orchid has a few long, thin white petals and one giant, bright white petal. The beautiful orchid blooms in the spring and summer might be challenging to find in the wild.
Because of the loss of its natural environment, this exquisite uncommon flower has been listed as an endangered species.
3. Juliet Rose (Rosa Sweet Juliet)

The Juliet rose is a rare beautiful flower that took many years to cultivate. The Juliet rose is one of the world’s rarest and most expensive flowers. This flower is so rare and costly because it took 15 years to grow. Despite being dubbed the “£3 million rose,” bunches featuring Juliet roses can be purchased for roughly $120.
The Juliet roses are tea flowers with lovely peaches and apricots blooms. When flowers blossom, the petals open to expose a cluster of blossoms in the flower head’s center. As a result, in addition to being one of the rarest blooms, it is one of the most pretty flowers on the planet.
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4. Middlemist Red (Camellia)

The Middlemist Red flower is likely the world’s rarest bloom, and it can only be found in two locations: London and New Zealand.
In 1804, botanist John Middlemist introduced this plant from China to London. The flower is now gone in Asia and was assumed to have vanished from London for a while. Researchers showed the Middlemist Red blossom among a group of other uncommon camellia flowers in 1999.
This unusual flower resembles a dark pink rose with a magnificent blossom head. The lovely blossom is nestled within the lush green foliage of the Middlemist Red camellia.
5. Night-Blooming Cereus (Selenicereus grandiflorus)

The night-blooming cereus is included in rare flowers since it only blooms once a year. Even though the shrub is not uncommon, its stunning white, star-shaped blossoms are. You may miss the rare event when it flowers if you sleep too much.
The night-blooming cereus, often known as the “queen of the night,” is a kind of floral cactus. The blooms are not only rare but also beautiful. The white blooms range in size from 6.5″ to 8.5″ (17 – 22 cm) in length and up to 15″ (38 cm) in width. It has a lovely vanilla aroma when it blooms.
The “queen of the night” requires lots of sunlight to produce buds to blossom. The flower only blossoms once a year, and the leaves wither before morning.
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6. Hawaiian Hibiscus (Hibiscus arnottianus subsp. immaculatus)

While hibiscus plants are generally uncommon, these hibiscus blossoms can only be found on the Hawaiian islands of Oahu and Moloka’i. These blooming plants are exclusively found in moist mountain forest environments.
Hawaiian hibiscus, also known as koki’o, comes in various varieties. These plants produce huge, attractive blooms, some of which are fragrant. The vast tropical flowers are pink, yellow, orange, and purple.
The Hawaiian hibiscus immaculatus species is the most uncommon of the blooming shrubs. This native flora can only be found on Moloka’i Island in a few spots. Because the uncommon blossoms are so challenging to locate, the subspecies are on the endangered list of rare plants.
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7. Jade Vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys)
The jade vine has become one of the natural wonders of the world’s plants due to deforestation. These flowery vines are native to the Philippines’ tropical woods. These plants, often known as emerald or turquoise vines, are legume species in the Fabaceae family.
The endangered shrub has clusters of jade-colored blooms shaped like claws. The flower clusters drape down like bunches of grapes as the vines bloom.
One of the causes for the blooming vine’s scarcity is the difficulty in reproducing it. Bats and birds pollinate flowers in the wild.
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8. Lady’s Slipper Orchid (Cypripedioideae)

Orchids are one of the most pretty and rare flowers on the planet, and the Lady’s Slipper orchid is a unique creature. The pouch-like section of the bloom inspired the name of this magnificent uncommon orchid.
The yellow and purple varieties of lady’s slipper orchids are the most uncommon. The orchid was thought to be extinct in the early twentieth century. However, a solitary plant was discovered growing by accident in England. This orchid is so uncommon that just a few specimens may be found in the wild.
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9. The Rothschild Slipper Orchid (Paphiopedilum rothschildianum)

Of course, there are numerous species of orchids that are not as uncommon and are simple to cultivate at home. The Rothschild’s Slipper orchid, on the other hand, is the most uncommon of all.
The Rothschild’s slipper orchid is another exceptionally uncommon bloom. To see this beautiful flower, you must go to the rainforest of north Borneo. Even yet, this unique orchid can only be found at elevations over 1,640 feet (500 m).
Aside from being difficult to find, the rarity of this orchid stems from the fact that it can take 10 to 20 years to bloom.
What does this one-of-a-kind orchid look like? The petals of this species of slipper orchid are lengthy and striped yellow and black. The petals are distinctive in that two thin ones grow horizontally from the center, which is uncommon in orchids.
The Rothschild’s slipper orchid, also known as the Gold of Kinabalu orchid, is a rare specimen that a single stem may fetch $5,000 on the black market.
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10. Kadupul Cactus Flower (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)

The Kadupul flower is unique since it is a sort of night-blooming cactus. This species should not be confused with the cereus Selenicereus grandifloras, another rare-blooming cactus.
One of the advantages of the Kadupul blooming cactus, also known as the Dutchman’s pipe cactus, is its ease of cultivation. As a result, you may own and cultivate a rare variety of flowers as a houseplant.
The Kadupul cactus only blossoms on rare occasions and at night. You will be astounded by its graceful elegance if you are lucky enough to view this cactus bloom.
A gigantic, beautiful star-shaped white blossom appears during the night and wilts. The blossom may grow to be 12″ (30 cm) long and 6.6″ (17 cm) broad.
11. Lily of the Valley (Gloriosa)

Lilies of the Valley, sometimes known as flame lilies, or fire lilies, are not among the Earth’s rarest plants, but they are becoming endangered in some areas.
The family Colchicaceae has around 12 species that thrive in numerous tropical nations in Asia, Africa, the Pacific, and Australia. Flame lilies have spectacular blossoms with characteristic trumpet shapes. Their common name is derived from the red and orange-yellow petals, which resemble flames.
If you have these plants in your yard or come across them in the wild, consider that they are poisonous and cause skin irritation. Admire at arm’s length!
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12. White American Waterlily (Nymphaea odorata)
The white American waterlily is a lovely aquatic plant becoming scarce in some parts of the United States. The enormous white blossom that floats on a broadleaf is the most striking aspect of these water lilies.
Flowers with pure white petals can grow up to 12″ (30 cm) in diameter. The overall form of this aquatic bloom is that of a star, with golden stamens in the center.
One of the most intriguing aspects of this uncommon flower is that it blooms during the day and shuts at night. You will appreciate the lovely aroma and beautiful beauty of white waterlilies if you are near a pond where they bloom.
Unfortunately, several states have listed these white waterlilies as a “special concern” plant.
13. Gibraltar Campion (Silene tomentosa)

The Gibraltar Campion is a critically endangered plant formerly assumed to be extinct. The Rock of Gibraltar is the only spot where you may observe the unique, delicate flower blossoming. Botanists thought the plant had gone out until 1994 when several species were discovered flourishing in the wild.
The flower has five oddly formed white or purple petals. The woody perennial can grow around 15″ (40 cm) tall and is legally protected.
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14. Flower of the Franklin Tree (Franklinia)

The Franklin tree is a one-of-a-kind shrub that belongs to the tea family, Theaceae. Even though this large blooming shrub is prevalent in several states, it no longer exists in the wild. All decorative plants grown now are descended from seeds conserved in the 1700s. The last wild Franklin tree has perished in the early 1800s.
So, how does this unusual wild plant appear? The white petals of the Franklin tree blossom form a cup-like shape. The bright yellow stamens in the middle of this white and yellow blossom provide vibrancy. This pleasant honeysuckle-like aroma emanates from the lovely flower and blossoms.
15. Parrot’s Beak (Lotus berthelotii)
Parrot’s Beak flowers are endemic to the Canary Islands and bloom on trailing vines. These one-of-a-kind blooms are on the “very uncommon” blooming plants list. Efforts are being made to safeguard the rarest flowers on the Spanish islands from extinction.
The form of the parrot’s beak blooming vines is distinctive. As the name indicates, the blossoms are shaped like a bird’s beak. These unusual blooms are also known as “pelican beaks” and “coral diamonds.” The blossoms are a vibrant orange to scarlet hue and may grow up to 1″ in length. They feature a sickle form with a characteristic beak shape at the end.
Lotus berthelotii cultivars that flourish in zones 10 and 11 may be purchased. Parrot’s beak plants may also grow tropical houseplants in hanging baskets to provide year-round foliage indoors.
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16. Black Bat (Tacca chantrieri)

If you’re wondering what the rarest black flower is, it’s the Bat blossom. This rare and exotic blooming plant can only be found in Southeast Asia’s tropical climates. This plant is unusual because it has black blossoms, which are uncommon in plants.
The black bat flower grows best in shaded locations with hot, humid weather. You’ll note that the bloom is shaped like a bat. The bloom grows up to 12″ (30 cm) wide and has long whisker-like filaments that drop down. These can grow to be as long as 28″ (70 cm).
Although you may buy bat flower plants as houseplants, they rarely thrive inside. They require special conditions to survive, and the typical domestic atmosphere is too dry and chilly for them.
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17. Corpse Flower (Amorphophallus titanum)

The corpse flower rarely comes into bloom and has an offensive odor – so maybe don’t try to grow one of these foul flora!
The corpse flower might win the competition for the world’s stinkiest, and most peculiar rare plant. The corpse flower is uncommon because it seldom blooms in the wild and much less frequently when farmed.
The enormous blossom may reach a height of roughly nine ft (2.7 m)—the world record is ten ft 2″ (3.1 m)—and emits a foul odor. The odor of these remarkable blooms has been described as decaying flesh or a decomposing body.
The flower only blooms on rare occasions. It might take up to ten years for a plant to blossom. Flowers bloom every 2 to 10 years after that. As a result, when a corpse flower blooms, people throng to botanical gardens to see and smell these uncommon blossoms.
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18. Rafflesia (Rafflesiaceae)
Another real stinker, Rafflesia is the national plant of Indonesia and a rare parasitic blooming plant. The second on this list known as the Corpse Flower (if somewhat erroneously), it boasts the largest bloom in the world and a terrible odor.
Rafflesia flowers are enormous and stink of decomposing rotten flesh. Aside from its size and foul odor, this well-known plant is distinctive in that it lacks roots, stalks, and leaves.
This unusual flower has giant red petals with white polka dots and may grow 3 feet (1 meter) in diameter. Even ‘miniature’ varieties of these plants may grow 1 ft tall (30 cm).
Dang, why do these smelly flowers have to be so big?!
A Mass Extinction?
All of the flowers mentioned above are highly uncommon – and some are almost extinct. This is largely due to human activities destroying their habitats. According to a 2019 study, at least 571 different plant species have become extinct since 1750, and this figure is likely to be a gross underestimate.
Scientists currently believe that people are leading to the sixth mass extinction on Earth, in which an estimated 1.1 million plants and animals are on the verge of extinction.
Which is the rarest flower?
The rarest flower is the Middlemist Red, with only two known specimens in existence. One is located in New Zealand, and the other in a greenhouse in the United Kingdom. The flower was originally discovered in China in the early 1800s and is prized for its beautiful pink blooms.
What is a rare flower called?
A rare flower is a plant species that is uncommon and difficult to find in its natural habitat. Some examples of rare flowers include the Franklin tree flower, the ghost orchid, and the Middlemist red. These flowers are highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts due to their scarcity and unique beauty.
What is the most beautiful flower?
Is there a way to verify which flower is the most beautiful? Beauty is subjective and can vary from person to person. Therefore, there is no definitive answer to this question. However, some of the most commonly cited beautiful flowers include the rose, orchid, and lily.
Each of these flowers has unique characteristics that make them stand out, such as the rose’s soft petals and sweet fragrance, the orchid’s intricate patterns and vibrant colors, and the lily’s elegant shape and pure white petals. Ultimately, the most beautiful flower is a matter of personal preference.
What is a beautiful rare flower?
A beautiful rare flower is a type of flower that is both visually striking and uncommon in its occurrence. These flowers often possess unique coloration or patterns that set them apart from more common varieties. Due to their rarity, beautiful rare flowers are highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts alike.
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