Are deer endangered species? Yes! Many deer species face the threat of extinction. The following list sheds more light on this issue.
We have over 40 deer species spread across the world. In North America alone, there are six species and over 55 subspecies.
Their large numbers and extensive global habitats make many people think these animals can never be endangered. However, this assumption can never be more wrong.
While most deer are not considered endangered or threatened, some fit the category perfectly. Some deer species, like the Irish elk and giant deer, are already extinct.
Many factors like overhunting, global warming, agricultural development, and habitat encroachment are some of the things endangering the existence of these beautiful animals. Today, we explore the endangered deer species more, hoping the world will soon find a solution to reverse the trend.

An Overview of Deer Species
Deer are beautiful, hoofed ruminants belonging to the family Cervidae. These animals are categorized into two main groups: the Cervinae and the Capreolinae.
The Cervinae group includes the muntjac, red deer, elk, chital, and fallow deer. The Capreolinae group, on the other hand, consists of reindeer, mule deer, moose, roe deer, etc.
These animals are hunters’ favorites in many parts of the world. Deer are hunted for food and fun. Many deer shed their antlers annually, but some exceptions, like Chinese water deer, don’t have antlers.
While there are over 40 species of deer in the world, these six species live in North America:
1. Whitetail Deer/Virginia Deer
From southern Canada to most of the USA, whitetail deer (Odocoileus virginianus) graze in grasslands and woods. The species is quite adaptable, fitting in numerous environments across the two countries and the rest of the world.
In North America, the species is widely distributed east of the Rocky Mountains, in southwestern Arizona, and in most of Mexico, except for Lower California.
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2. Mule Deer
The mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) borrows its name from the mule. The two animals share distinctively large ears, hence the name. Mule deer species inhabit the Northwest USA, preferring to live in the rocky region of the country.
3. Caribou
The Caribou, also known as the Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), are primarily found in the Arctic tundra of North America. But these beautiful creatures are also spread across Europe and Asia.
Caribou have sedentary and migratory groups, with herd sizes varying from one geographical area to the other.
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4. Moose

When you want to hunt some enormous deer with impressive antlers, think of adding the moose (Alces alces) to your list. It’s the largest deer in North America and enjoys inhabiting areas with extensive forest cover in Canada and the USA.
5. Red Brocket Deer
You might not have heard about the Brocket deer (Mazama gouazoubira) species before. It’s a notoriously shy, nocturnal mammal that prefers dense forest areas with much coverage.
It is the least common type of deer in North America, spreading to the Yucatan Peninsula.
6. Elk
Elk (Cervus canadensis) is another of the largest deer species in the world. It is common in western parts of North America, in areas with mountain landscapes.
During summer, they appear reddish-brown and turn dark brown when winter comes.
Hunting Deer in North America
Many hunters always look for deer during hunting season for sport or meat. Deer meat is a delicacy in many homes and is known as venison. It’s a good natural protein source and comes with many other nutritional benefits.
In the US, hunters go after whitetail deer and mule deer. However, you need to hunt during the good season and have a permit from state governments. Each state has rules and regulations that each hunter must respect when hunting.
Usually, the Department of Natural Resources or Department of Fish and Wildlife oversees these regulations and is responsible for licensing hunters. Hunting off or on the season without a license is an offense. If guilty, you end up paying a fine ranging from $250 to $2000 or spending a year in jail.
Also, it’s worth noting that each state has particular laws regarding deer hunting. Some, like Kentucky, don’t permit hunting deer without antlers. Others have specific seasons for hunting with bow and arrow vs. firearms.
Thanks to strict oversight in many parts of the country, illegal hunting is kept to a minimum. But it’s worth noting that no one can hunt endangered deer species.
Most Endangered Dear Species
Are Deer Endangered Species?
As noted earlier, some deer species are on the endangered list. But because there are so many deer in North America, many people don’t consider them at risk.
Here are the most endangered deer species in the world:
1. Chinese Water Deer

First on the list are the endangered Chinese water deer. These deer are divided into two subspecies, Chinese and Korean water deer, native to these countries.
Chinese water dear is noticeably different from other deer in the Cervidae family as it lacks antlers. Instead, it has two protruding tusks that give it a vampirish appearance. The tusks grow long and can reach 2 inches.
Although the endangered deer species are native to South Korea and China, small populations exist in the United Kingdom and France. Initially, the deer were introduced to the UK and France as zoo animals, but escapees have managed to reproduce in the wild.
Unlike other deer that enjoy moving in herds, the Chinese water deer prefers a solitary life except during the mating season.
Usually, they enjoy feeding on reeds and grasses. However, they also eat vegetables and grains when they come across some.
Water Deer Reproduction
The rutting season for the endangered deer species begins in November and lasts until December. During this time, bucks use their tasks to compete for mating rights.
A female gestation period can last 170 to 210 days. Interestingly, a female water deer can give birth to up to seven calves. However, the norm is to bear two or three young ones.
The young wean as early as two months and are fully grown by the 8th month after birth.
Why is the Chinese Deer Endangered?
The Chinese water deer is on the endangered deer species list for good reason. Only about 10,000 of these beautiful creatures remain in the wild worldwide.
The main reason for this declining population is hunting, which has led to its classification as a ‘Vulnerable’ animal.
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2. Roe Deer

Another great example of an endangered deer species is the Roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). It mainly inhabits different European countries and the northern parts of Iran and Iraq. In terms of subspecies, there are two types of Roe deer featured on the endangered deer species list: the European roe deer and the Siberian roe deer.
An interesting fact about these deer species is that they wear different coats depending on the season. In winter, they have a greyish-brown coat, but in summer, it changes to reddish-brown. Unlike other deer species with more giant antlers, the roebuck has small ones that are larger at the base, with a distinct three-tined shape.
Noticeably, it has a short tail and enjoys living at the forest’s edge for protection. The good news is that it’s an adaptive species that can thrive with little care despite being on the endangered deer species list.
During winter, the deer’s diet usually consists of heather, ferns, and acorns, and in summer, ash, wild rose, and bramble.
Roe Deer Reproduction
Early summer marks the start of the rutting season for roe deer, where bucks engage in fights over females. However, mating usually takes place in autumn.
The female gestation period lasts up to 10 months, after which they give birth to an average of 2 fawns. They grow fast, and female ones can start reproducing at six months old.
Is the Roe Deer Endangered?
Roe deer are known for having some of the sweetest venison among deer species in the world. For that reason, they are heavily hunted.
3. Blackbuck Deer

Perhaps you know the blackbuck deer (Antilope cervicapra) by its other name, Indian antelope. The species is native to Nepal and India and lives in areas with light forests or plenty of grasses.
One distinctive feature is the bucks’ ringed longhorns, making them a sight. Additionally, some females are known to grow smaller horns.
The male has outer parts of the legs that are brownish to black, while the back is white. The females have almost tan-yellowish coats, similar to fawns. This species walks around in small herds of females, fawns, and males, with one herd of females having one male.
Originally, the deer lived in parts of Pakistan and Bangladesh, but it’s since been extinct there, making it appear in the list of endangered deer species. As an herbivore, its diet consists of grasses, but it can also browse on an acacia tree.
Blackbuck Deer Reproduction
Female blackbucks are ready to mate at eight months old but will do so when they reach two years. Rutting occurs twice yearly, from March to April and August to October.
Currently, males become excessively territorial and engage in constant battles to secure mating rights. Once a female is pregnant, gestation lasts six months, and she only gives birth to one fawn.
Is the Blackbuck Deer Endangered?
The blackbuck is part of the endangered deer species list because of excess hunting in most parts of India and Nepal.
The increasing need for farmland led to the encroachment of their natural habitats, which dwindled their numbers. Now, only about 25,000 live in protected habitats.
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4. Key Deer

The only place in the world where you can find the Key deer (Odocoileus virginianus clavium) in the wild is the Florida Keys, hence their name. This is a small Archipelago just 5 feet above sea level off the south coast of Florida.
They were mostly found in the National Key Deer Refuge. But they are now in the South Florida Big Pine Key and small surrounding islands from the Sugarloaf Key to Bahia Honda Key.
Key deer is the smallest subspecies of the Northern White-tailed deer. It has a reddish-brown coat and enjoys swimming from one island to another. Males grow antlers distinctive to deer species and drop them in February.
Key deer eat a whole host of plant species that grow in the Florida Keys habitat, from Mangroves and pine forests to freshwater wetlands. Their primary diet is thatch palm berries and mangrove trees.
According to the National Wildlife Federation, their breeding begins in the fall and winter. Males became pretty aggressive with other males as they competed for the same female. They charge each other and lock antlers until one backs down and flees, leaving the victor to mate with the female.
Key Deer Reproduction
Late fall and early winter mark the start of rutting season for Key deer, with mating happening in October. The females will carry the pregnancy for seven months. And it gives birth to at least one fawn per year.
After three months, the fawns wean and start eating plants. Female fawns stay with their mothers for two years, while males only stay for one year.
Are Key Deer Endangered?
Yes, the Key deer is listed under the Endangered Species Act in the US. Fewer than 1,000 deer are left in the wild.
Key deer are one of the few species that enjoy living near humans. You’ll often find Key deer foraging on roadsides and yards and approaching slow-moving vehicles and people for edibles.
Feeding key deer reduces their fear of humans. Thus, humans are one of the biggest threats to Key deer.
This is why. It exposes them to illegal feeding risks, increasing the spread of parasites and diseases. It also makes them more vulnerable to hunting and car accidents.
According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Key deer population is considered stable as of now. However, it has a delicate balance with nature and thus remains listed in the federally endangered species status. This conservation status helps protect them from becoming extinct shortly.
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5. Sika Deer

Sika deer (Cervus Nippon) is the Japanese or Spotted deer. They are native to Eastern Asia regions but also have a presence in Western countries. These western countries include New Zealand, the USA, Denmark, and Ireland.
The deer species has a unique coat with different color variations from chestnut brown to reddish to grayish. But, you notice that the chin and underparts have a whitish color. Males are bigger than females and have long erect antlers reaching 2.7 inches.
They typically enjoy living in areas with forests but can adapt to marshlands and grasslands. Their diet consists of leaves and grasses, which they eat at night. One fact about them is that they are expert swimmers and will use water bodies to get away from predators.
Regarding living arrangements, males are solitary, while females can stay in groups of up to 3 and care for fawns.
Sika Deer Reproduction
Male and female Sika deer start mating from September to October. Once pregnant, the gestation period lasts 217 days, after which a female births one fawn. Unlike deer that wean fawns at 2 or 3 months old, Sika fawns suckle until they’re 10 months old.
Why is the Sika Deer Endangered?
Not all Sika are on the endangered deer species list. Five subspecies are listed, including:
- North China Sika deer
- Shansi Sika deer
- South China Sika deer
- Formosan Sika deer
- Ryukyu Sika deer
The main reason is excessive hunting for food and sport in their natural habitats.
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6. Musk Deer

Musk deer (Moschus moschiferus) are shy deer that enjoy living a solitary life in the wild. They thrive in cold areas of the Siberian and Himalayan regions of Asia.
The deer joins a category of Cervidae deer that don’t have antlers. Also, it’s interesting to note that this is the only deer species with a gall bladder.
In terms of coat color, the Musk deer has long, brittle grayish-brown hair. Males have two long protruding teeth that they use as weapons during rutting. Their diet consists of leaves, young shoots, and bark from various trees.
Musk Deer Reproduction
November marks the beginning of Musk deer mating, which lasts until January. However, some females mate later in March. Afterward, they carry a pregnancy for up to 195 days, giving birth to 1 or 2 fawns. Fawns wean at two months and stay with their mothers for two years.
Why is Musk Deer Endangered?
Poaching remains the number one issue for declining musk deer populations in their natural habitats. Most poachers engage in the illegal trade of musk deer pods found in bucks.
These excrete a robust natural scent, and killing them is the only way to get them out of the musk deer.
Are Albino Deer Endangered?
Albino deer are a sight to behold but aren’t among endangered deer species. Most people refer to them as white deer, and they are exceedingly rare to spot in the wild. The deer aren’t a specific species; they are the common deer species that have albinism.
Despite being rare, they aren’t endangered because spotting them in the wild is hard. A better way to understand this is that, for every 30,000 deer, you find one white deer.