Are you an environmental scientist actively looking for the best climate change jobs around the world?
There are numerous types of climate change jobs around the world to choose from. The rise in global temperatures and increased forest fire spread cases has led to an increase in demand for climate change careers.
According to a Bureau of Labor Statistics report, careers in environmental scientists’ jobs are projected to increase by 8% between 2019 and 2029.
Are you wondering how to find a job in climate change and how to work in climate change? Below are the seven best environmental science careers that you can pursue to fight climate change issues.
Best-Of by Category
Category | Product |
Best for Climatologists / Geoscientists | Essential Climate Change Study Guide |
Best for Environmental Engineers / Scientists | Practical Manual on Sustainability |
Best for Mechanical Engineers | Energy Efficient Design Handbook |
Best for Conservation Scientists (Foresters) | Complete Guide to Forest Conservation |
Best Climate Change Jobs
Are you aspiring to become a climatologist? Then you will be involved in studying the atmosphere to understand the earth’s climate.
More precisely, analyzing ice, water, soil, air, and plant to find weather patterns and how they affect the earth.
What is the job description of a climatologist?
- Reviewing the past climatic conditions and making predictions about future trends in climate change
- Analyzing and interpreting data gathered from the atmosphere and earth.
- Working closely with other climatologist, professionals, and meteorologists
- Drafting models
- Researching factors that cause and affect climate change
- Advising policymakers on environmental issues
What are the job requirements?
- A degree in climatology, atmospheric science, or meteorology
- A profound understanding of scientific tools used in data analysis
- Strong writing skills
- Critical thinking skills
- An insight into software used in graphics and map creation
- Problem-solving skills
Pros of searching for a climatologist job
- There is no previous training and experience needed to secure an entry-level job
- Licensing and certifications are not a requirement for entry-level jobs
- A chance to work indoors as most atmospheric scientists work from weather stations and only go out occasionally.
- You may be required work experience, licensing and certification for higher pay, and a master’s or a Ph.D.
- During weather emergencies, an atmospheric scientist may have to work long hours.
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Geoscientists are involved in studying the physical aspects of the earth, including its composition, structure, and processes, in understanding the past, present, and future.
Unlike climatologists, geoscientists conduct their studies to collect samples for analysis and share their finding with other interested parties.
They are primarily involved in discovering viable and exploitable natural resources such as gas, oil deposits, and precious stones.
It is one of the climate change jobs that involve fieldwork.
Are you looking for jobs in climate change? Becoming a geologist is one way that will enable you to get paid to solve climate change issues.
What are the responsibilities of a geoscientist?
- Planning and conducting field studies
- Analyzing aerial photographs
- Performing laboratory tests on samples collected in the field
- Preparing geological maps and charts
- Analyzing their findings and sharing them with interested parties
What are the requirements for a geoscientist?
- A bachelor’s degree in geoscience, physics, geology, or a related field for an entry job
- Master’s or Ph. D. for higher positions and salaries
- Possess excellent computer skills as the work involves utilizing advanced equipment and specialized computer programs to analyze data.
- communication skills
Pros of a geoscientist job
- There is no experience necessary for entry-level jobs
- It is a well-paying job, with the median annual wage being $92,040 as of May 2019.
- There is a 5% projected growth rate in employment by 2029
- Experience and at least a master’s degree is necessary for higher pay
- The job involves physically demanding tasks
- Working in adverse weather conditions while in the field
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Environmental Engineers

An environmental engineer is a climate change job that focuses on protecting the environment.
Among other types of climate change jobs, Environmental engineers are involved in developing solutions to environmental issues such as pollution by utilizing engineering principles, soil science, biology, and chemistry.
Are you wondering how to work in a climate change, or would you like to get paid to solve climate change issues?
Get an environmental engineer job today.
It is one of the sustainability and climate change jobs.
What are the requirements for a climate change job?
- Minimum of bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering or a related field including civil, chemical, or general engineering
- Practical experience, including internships and volunteer work, is an added advantage
- Communication skills
- Writing skills
What are the responsibilities of an environmental engineer?
- Preparing, updating, and reviewing environmental investigation reports
- Providing technical support for ecological recommendations projects and legal actions
- Analyzing scientific data and conducting quality control
- Monitoring environmental improvement programs progress
- Advising corporations and government agencies concerning procedures for cleaning up contaminated sites
- Gather, update and maintain plans and standard operating procedures
- Designing projects that assist in environmental protection such as water reclamation facilities, air pollution, and waste conversion to energy
Pros of working as an environmental engineer
- No work experience or professional qualification needed for an entry job
- It is a well-paying job as it among the top three well-paying climate change jobs
- No license required for an entry job
- It involves outdoor activities thus; one can be exposed to hazards
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Mechanical Engineers

Mechanical engineering is the study of systems in motion. Mechanical engineers are involved in designing, developing, and testing mechanical and thermal sensors.
Are you searching for a remote climate change job? If you are searching for a climate change job to work indoors, this is the best alternative among other positions in climate change.
Mechanical engineers are crucial to saving the environment as they build systems that can combat climate change and spur investment in ESG efforts.
What are the job requirements of a mechanical engineer?
- Assessing project requirements
- Agreeing on budgets, and timescales with clients and managers
- Conducting relevant research
- Writing reports and documentation
- Analyzing and data interpretation
- Liaising with supplies
Who are potential employers of mechanical engineering jobs?
- Research and development organization
- Consultancies
- The armed forces
- Government agencies
- Engineering, transport, and construction industries
What are the qualifications of a mechanical engineer?
- Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering or a related field
- Higher national diploma in mechanical engineering
- Work experience including internships, volunteer among others
- Effective and efficient technical skills
- Interpersonal skills
- Written and verbal communication skills
- Teamwork skills
- There is a wide range of opportunities in diverse fields
- One is empowered with creativity to design excellent products
- The faster growth rate of 4% projected provides an opportunity for securing a sustainable climate change job.
- It is a complex job and requires a lot of experience
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Environmental Scientists and Specialists

Environmental scientist utilizes their knowledge of environmental sciences to safeguard the environment and human health. They analyze and offer solutions to those environmental issues.
They are involved in cleaning up polluted areas, working with various sectors to reduce waste, or advising policymakers. Do you want to get paid to solve climate change issues; this might be the right choice among other green jobs.
What are the responsibilities of an environmental scientist?
- Surveying and analyzing samples to identify threats to the environment
- Make plans to prevent and control environmental issues such as water pollution from occurring or limiting their impact
- Determining data collection methods for investigations, surveys, and research projects
- Gathering and compiling environmental data from samples of air, soil, water, and food, among others, for scientific analysis.
- Preparation and presentation of their findings to the relevant stakeholders
- Providing information and guidance to relevant authorities such as government agencies, businesses, and the general public
What are the qualifications for an environmental scientist?
- A minimum of bachelor’s degree in natural science or related field
- Work experience including internships
- Great analytical skills
- Communication skills
- Impeccable interpersonal skills
- Excellent Problem-solving skills
Pros of an environmental scientist
- No licenses or certifications necessary for an entry-level job
- Work experience is not mandatory to secure an entry-level job
- High chances of advancing to a higher level which is also well paying due to increased demand for environmental protection
- The employment growth rate is projected to rise at a rate of 8% by 2029 and therefore is a promising career as one will not strain while finding a job after graduation
- It offers a prospect for career growth and an opportunity for further studies
- There are numerous careers outside the environmental science field
- Ensures the development of a wide range of transferable skills required in the job market
- Jobs within this field might be very competitive and require specialized study.
- For higher-paying jobs, it may require significant work experience.
- A degree in this field is relevant if one only wants to work in a scientific role.
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Sustainability Consultant

A sustainability consultant works with companies to assist them in becoming environmentally friendly.
Are you looking for remote climate change jobs? A sustainability consultant is a type of climate change job that allows you to work from the office.
They assist corporations in becoming well-regarded in the community and initiate a long-term money-saving strategy, wondering how to get paid to work in sustainability.
Get a sustainability consultant job today. It is one of the sustainability and climate change jobs that has the potential to provide many job opportunities in the future.
You can help impact investors find opportunities that combine both sustainability and investment returns along the way.
What are the qualifications necessary for a sustainability consultant?
- A bachelor’s degree in environmental studies, earth science, among other related fields
- Relevant work experience including internships and volunteer work
- Certification is necessary for securing higher-paying jobs
- Be interested in environmental stewardship
- Analytical skills
- Problem solvers
- Excellent communication skill
- Proficient in computers
What are the responsibilities of a sustainability consultant?
- Gathering and analyzing data presenting the findings to clients
- Identifying needs and developing strategies for addressing them
- They are involved in maximizing profits and minimizing an organization’s footprint by conducting energy audits and finding ways to reduce its consumption, among other measures
- Proposing ways of conducting transportation of products more efficient and less impactful on the environment
- Conduct a mandatory assessment on both residential and commercial properties as required by law
- Project management by identifying potential clients, preparing bid documents and budgets to meet the deadline
- Develop a plan for environmental management and compliance
- Guide sustainable purchasing practices
- Develop an overall sustainability plan for the corporation
Pros of securing a sustainability consultant role
- Education Excellency is a mandatory requirement for securing this position
- The projected employment growth rate between 2019 and 2029 is about 11%, which above average thus, there will be rising opportunities in this field
- Provides opportunities for career advancement and further studies
- No licensing required to secure employment
- Most of them are self-employed
- Provide an opportunity to work remotely
- Requires a lot of skills
- Experience may be necessary when it comes to analysis and developing plans
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Conservation Scientists (Foresters)

Are you still wondering about the suitable type of climate change jobs? Becoming a forester is one way to get paid for solving climate change issues.
Among other climate change jobs, a conservation scientist manages the overall land quality of forests and parks, among other natural resources. They work closely with various governments and landowners to develop ways of improving land while safeguarding the environment.
They supervise forest and conservation workers and technicians, directing their work and evaluating their progress.
What are the role and responsibilities of conservation scientists?
- They are tasked with the responsibility of conducting conservation activities and monitoring forests thus, ensuring compliance with the government
- Selecting new sites for planting trees
- Actively involved in directing and participating in the suppression of forest fires
- Negotiating terms for tree harvest and contracts for land use
- Clearing land by use of bulldozers, and herbicides to clear land
- Developing a safe strategy for removing timber with minimum environmental damage
- They are involved in data analysis, soil quality, assessing tree damages, logging activities, and forest fires
- Develop plans for managing forest and other land resources
- Evaluating the results of their findings with precision and accuracy
- They develop a plan for improving forest conditions and how appropriately they should react to fire
What are the qualifications of a conservation scientist?
- Minimum of bachelor’s degree in forestry or a related field like agriculture or environmental science, among other
- Advanced degree programs such as biology, ecology, and forest resource measurement
- Analytical skills are necessary for result evaluation on various field tests and experiments
- Critical thinking skills essential in the decision-making process
- Communication skills
Pros of a career as a conservation scientist
- No licensing, certification, or regulations necessary for entry-level jobs
- Provides an opportunity for human interaction as it is primarily an outdoor activity
- The employment growth rate in this sector is projected to be 5% between 2019 and 2029
- It is a complex role, and experience may be necessary
- Training may be needed as the work involve the use of various tools, including clinometers to measure the heights of trees
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